How to configure Active Sync to retrieve Exchange e-mail

Active Sync Exchange E-mail Configuration
How to configure Active Sync to retrieve Exchange e-mail

This document shows how to configure Active Sync on a Windows Mobile Smart Phone to receive and send email using your Exchange email account.
Step by Step
1. Open ActiveSync
2. Configure server address
3. Configure user info
4. Set folders to sync
5. Select Finish
1. *Open ActiveSync
Select Start , then Programs. Open Active Sync.
2. Configure server address
Select Menu from the bottom right corner and select Server Source.
Enter your server name for the Server address and make sure this server requires an encrypted (SSL) connection is checked.

3. Configure user info
Select Next
Enter your Exchange User name and Password. This is your USERNAME and PASSWORD
Enter your domain for the Domain.
Check the Save Password check box.

4. Set folders to sync
Select Next.
Check the Exchange functions you would like Active Sync to synchronize. You can select any combination of Contacts, Calendar, E-mail, and Tasks.\

5. Select Finish.