How to get messages sent from Delegates to appear in the Proxy’s Sent Items folder


When a delegate sends email as a delegate to a Proxy account, sent items are retained in the delegate's  Sent Items folder.  Use the instructions below to setup Outlook to also keep sent items in proxy's account

 Step 1: Proxy sets up a Rule to move these messages to their Sent Items

While logged into the Proxy account, a rule can be set up that automatically moves certain messages.  To do this, first select Tools then Rules and Alerts… and then click on the New Rule… button.
The Rules Wizard default is to “Start creating a rule from a template”.  The Step 1 default is to “Move messages from someone to a folder” – both of these settings are fine.

 In the Step 2 window click on “people or distribution list” and select the proxy account and all delegates from the address book window that pops up.  Then click on “specified” and select the “Sent Items” folder from the list and then click the OK button.

Click the Next > button.  The top item will be ticked (“move it to the specified folder”).  Do not select any more actions.

Click the Next > button.  Check the box next to “except if my name is in the To or Cc box”.

Click the Next > button.  Give your rule a name e.g. “Move Delegate Sent Items”.  ‘Run this rule on messages already in “Inbox”’ should be unchecked while “Turn on this Rule” should be ticked.

Click the Finish button.  It is important that “OK” or “Apply” are selected from the remaining “Rules and Alerts” window that displays a list of the rules – if “Cancel” is chosen before either of these then the new rule will not be saved.

Step 2: Send Blind Copy to the Proxy

When sending a message as a delegate, using the proxy’s name in the “From…” field, you can use the "Bcc..." field within the original message to copy the manager for whom you are a delegate. The proxy for whom you are a delegate will receive a copy of the original message, but the recipient will not see any names that you list in the "Bcc..." field.