Exchange PowerShell script that will perform a mailbox count on each database and email the results.

Below is a Exchange PowerShell script that will perform a mailbox count on each database and email the results.  The script is performed with the get-mailboxstatistics for each mailbox on that database as the results are much faster than the get-mailbox command.

# Create an empty HashTable to store database name and count.
$MailboxCount = @{}

# Collect Databases
$databases = Get-mailboxDatabase | Where Name -like "2013DB*" | Sort name

#Loop through each
ForEach ($database in $databases){
$MBs = Get-mailboxstatistics -database $database

#Format the Results
$MailboxCountOrdered = $MailboxCount.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name | Out-String
$orderedMailboxCount = $MailboxCount.GetEnumerator() | Sort-object Value | Out-String

#Send an email:
$SmtpClient = new-object 
$MailMessage = New-Object 
$SmtpClient.Host = "" 
$mailmessage.from = ("") 
$mailmessage.Subject = "Mailbox Count"
$mailmessage.Body = "Mailbox Count

The following list shows the Mailbox Count for the Databases in Ex2013. The 2 lists below are the same; one is in order of database name and the other is in order of mailbox count.
Database Order:
Count Order: