Configure bulk Exchange 2013 servers for Unified Messaging and Unified Messaging Call Router Settings.

Configure bulk Exchange 2013 servers for Unified Messaging and Unified Messaging Call Router Settings.

Set the UMService and UMCallRouterSettings for the servers:

Get-UMService |  where {$_.identity -like 'MBXSVR*'} | Set-UMService -DialPlans dialplan1 -UMStartupMode "dual"

Get-UMCallRouterSettings |  where {$_.identity -like 'MBXSVR*'} | Set-UMCallRouterSettings -DialPlans dialplan1 -UMStartupMode "dual"

Configure the Exchange Certificate for the UM and UMCallRouter srevices.

Get-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint <thumbprint of Certificate> | Enable-ExchangeCertificate -services UM, UMCAllRouter,IIS

Restart the following Services on each server:  
MSExchangeUM, MSExchangeUMCR