CommVault Perform a Restore of an Exchange Database
Perform a Restore of an Exchange Database
When performing a restore, we are going to create the Recovery Exchange Database, Restore the Database from backup in CommVault, and Restore the contents of the mailbox in Exchange. In this document we will restore DB01.
Create a Recovery Database in Exchange 2013:
The server MBX1 has a dedicated mount point for restoring databases in Exchange. The mountpoint is C:\RecoveryDB on MBX1. Run the following powershell command:New-MailboxDatabase -Recovery -Name RDB_DB01 -Server MBX1 -EdbFilePath "C:\RecoveryDB\RDB\DB01.edb" -LogFolderPath "C:\RecoveryDB\RDB logs"
Restore to the Recovery Database in CommVault:
1. Ensure the database you want to restore is dismounted and marked for
2. From the CommCell Console, navigate to Client Computers | <client>. Right-click Exchange Database and then click All Tasks | Browse Backup Data
3. Select your Browse option for when to Restore From. Select your date of last known backup.
4. In the left pane of the Client Browse window, navigate to Exchange Database | Microsoft Information Store | <Storage Group>
Extract Content from Recovery Database:
1. Mount the Recovery Database so we can access the content by running the following in Exchange PowerShell: Mount-database RDB_DB012. The following PowerShell command we can use to extract content of the mailboxes. The content can be extracted and placed into another mailbox. We will use a dummy mailbox called R_steve2010 and put all of the content into a recovery folder which will be created during the mailbox restore.
Exchange 2013 command: New-MailboxRestoreRequest -SourceDatabase "RDB_DB01" -SourceStoreMailbox "<DisplayName of User on RDB Database>" -TargetMailbox "r_steve2010" -TargetRootFolder Recovery
Exchange 2010 Command: Restore-Mailbox -Identity “R_Steve2010” -RecoveryDatabase "RDB_DB01" -RecoveryMailbox 'steve2010' -TargetFolder Recovery
3. From here we can either provide access the dummy account, or export the content from the dummy mailbox to a PST and give it to the customer. To export it to a pst, run the following Powershell Command: New-MailboxExportRequest R_steve2010 –FilePath “\\servername\sharename\filename.pst”
Now we have successfully restored and recovered content from a Commvault backup.