Using Exmon(Exchange User Monitor)

Use Exmon(Exchange User Monitor) to view individual user's usage and user experiencece with exchange server 2003 or 2007.
With this tool, you can gather real-time data for operating servers, to attain a better understanding of usage patterns of clients, and for future planning.
Administrators can view the following using ExMon:
IP addresses used by clients
Microsoft Office Outlook® versions and mode (Cached Exchange Mode versus classic online)
Outlook client-side monitoring data
Resources consumed:
CPU usage
Server-side processor latency
Total latency (network and processing) (with Outlook 2003 version MAPI)
Network bytes
Note   ExMon measures only MAPI traffic and load on an Exchange server. It does not include or display data about other protocols such as Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Distributed Authoring and Versioning (DAV), Outlook Web Access, Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3), or Internet Message Access Protocol version 4rev1 (IMAP4).

At this time, Exmon for Exchange 2007 is only available from Microsoft Support Team. You can download Exmon for Exchange server 2003 from Microsoft's website.

To use Exmon on Exchange server 2007:
1. Get the tool from MSFT and Install Exmon
2. Setup a tracelog for exchange information store(non system provider)
3. use exmon from command prompt to open and analyze captured file. For eg, exmon c:\perflogs\exmon-tracelog_00001.etl
4. Exmon displays detailed statistics with client ip addresses, version, etc