fixing cas-mailboxes running in lite Mode for web experience

A funny Exchange Cmdlet, and how to fix it: Set-CASMailbox

In Exchange 2007 you can implement Outlook Web Access segmentation both server-side and client-side. The server-side segmentation can be done using both the power of the Exchange Management Shell, and the Exchange Management Console. To disable particular features, you will need the set-casmailbox to do so. Please read on
Issue: User can only run Outlook web access(owa) in lite version regardless of browser used
Solution: I have to use the EMS cmdlet Set-CASMailbox, as is stated in Technet "The Set-CASMailbox cmdlet sets client access-related attributes for Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access, Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3), and Internet Message Access Protocol version 4rev1 (IMAP4) for a specified user."
When running the cmdlet Get-CASMailbox ivancriekinge | fl, I can see that by default all features are enabled:

So, by running the following cmdlet I believe I'm disabling the ability to change my password using Outlook Web Access:Set-CasMailbox ivancriekinge -OWAChangePasswordEnabled:$False
But, it seems that running the specified line, it seems that all features are disabled...
And if you would on the other hand explicitely enable one feature, the result would be the same, all other features would be set to disabled :-)

Solution = AdsiEdit...
When you check the properties of the mailbox using AdsiEdit, you can see that by running the cmdlet specified above, Exchange has changed the value of the attribute msExchMailboxFolderSet. By default this value is not set for a user, when all features are disabled, the value gets the value of 0.
If we change this value again, the default value would be reinstated.
In order to disable one feature, it's very useful to first use AdsiEdit, or the Shell and set the value of MsExchMailboxFolderSet to 2147483647. And then, use the Set-CASMailbox cmdlet to disable the one feature wanted.
To use the shell, use the following commands:

To reset the value of the parameter to the default <not set>, just run the following line:
Set-QADUser ‘<domainname>/<OU>/username’ -objectattributes @{msExchMailboxFolderSet=$Null}
To set the value of all properties (starting with OWA) to $True, just run the following:
Set-QADUser ‘<domainname>/<OU>/username’ -objectattributes @{msExchMailboxFolderSet=2147483647}

Value of 2080374783 sets all to true except for ability to change password over the web


Ilse,, retrieved on November 13, 2008