Configuring Address Book for MAC Snow Leopard
Configuring Address Book for MAC Snow Leopard
In Snow Leopard, Mac-Mail, Address Book and i-cal now uses web services to connect to Exchange server 2007. This is more reliable and robust.
Follow these steps to configure your MAC Address Book to use the Global Address List in Exchange server 2007
1. Launch Address Book
2. Click on Address book, preferences, Accounts
3. Click on +Sign to add an account.
4. For Account type, Choose Exchange 2007
5. Type your full name, primary email address, and password
6. Type your username
7. Click next. Ensure your account information is correcty displayed in Account summary. Also check the boxes next to Mail and iCal calendars if you haven't configured those aleady.
8. Click on create
9. Open new mail window and confirm entries are showing up in the gloabol address book