X-OWA-Error: Microsoft.Exchange.Security.Authentication.TokenMungingException
Scenario: When a user tries to access OWA, the receive the following error:
Resolution: This is the result of the mailbox being a 'linked mailbox' and having a value in the 'linked master account'.
Run the following to view the value:
get-user batman15 | select linkedmasteraccount
Run the following to remove the value:
set-user batman15 -linkedmasteraccount $null
went wrong
we can't get that information right now. Please try again later. If the problem
continues, contact your helpdesk.
Microsoft.Exchange.Security.Authentication.TokenMungingExceptionResolution: This is the result of the mailbox being a 'linked mailbox' and having a value in the 'linked master account'.
Run the following to view the value:
get-user batman15 | select linkedmasteraccount
Run the following to remove the value:
set-user batman15 -linkedmasteraccount $null